Rainbow Brite 2009

2009_16_20100225_1244958421Rainbow Brite

Every world needs a hero … and in Rainbow Land, that hero is Rainbow Brite. With the help of her friends, her magnificent horse Starlite, and her magical Color Belt and Star Scepter, Rainbow Brite travels to the far corners of the universe, bringing hope and happiness to everyone she meets. No matter where you are, you can always count on Rainbow Brite to make your heart a little lighter and your world a little more colorful!

Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)

2010_6_20100208_1899210810Twinkle is the leader of all the sprites in Rainbow Land. It’s his job to make sure Rainbow Brite never runs out of the shimmering crystals that help her give color to the universe. Each color in the rainbow is created by a different type of color crystal, so Twinkle is a very busy sprite–lucky for him there are lots of sprites in Rainbow Land to help him out!

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)

2009_12_20100225_1012934135Starlite is Rainbow Brite’s constant companion. He’s also, without a doubt, the most magnificent horse in the universe … and if you don’t believe it, just ask him yourself! Of course, he didn’t get to be the most magnificent horse in the universe just by answering silly questions. He’s got more talents than you can shake a rainbow at … and luckily for Rainbow Land, one of those just happens to be saving the day!

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)

puppy_brite_20110308_1724857232Puppy Brite is Rainbow Brite’s most loyal pal. This frisky little pet looks out for Rainbow Brite and cheers her up when she’s blue. Puppy Brite can’t speak like some of the animals in Rainbow Land, but she’s a really great listener. In fact, all of her senses are pretty doggone good … especially her sense of play! And of course, when the going gets tough, Puppy Brite is always ready to lend a paw! 

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)


As any stargazer knows, the nighttime can be just as beautiful as the day .. but few people know it takes a special magic to make it that way! Each night Moonglow travels through Rainbow Land, using her Moon Scepter to help the stars and flowers sparkle and shine. Even though Moonglow’s thoughts may wander a bit, Rainbow Brite counts on her to notice the bright side of everything!

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)

2009_4_20100225_1934060721Nite Sprite is Moonglow’s faithful helper. This dreamy little sprite grows and protects the glowing color crystals that help Moonglow make the nighttime beautiful in its own sparkling way. There are lots of sprites to create the colors we see in the daytime–but when the sun goes down, it’s the Nite Sprite’s time to shine! 

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)


Almost every creature in Rainbow Land goes to sleep at night … but when the sun sets, Shimmer is just waking up! It’s a good thing, too, because without her Moonglow would get quite lonely. Together, Shimmer and Moonglow travel through Rainbow Land brightening the beautiful colors of the night. By morning, when everybody else is waking up, they’re both ready for a nice, long nap! 

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)

2009_14_20100225_1421264334Tickled Pink

Don’t you just love the colors of the sky at sunrise and sunset? Tickled Pink does! Each day she wakes up before dawn and paints the morning sky with her Sun Scepter, then reappears at dusk to make sure the sunset is picture-perfect. Tickled Pink is one of Rainbow Brite’s best friends. And no wonder–she’s always bright-eyed, chipper, and ready to lend an encouraging word! 

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)

2009_1_20100225_1155762159Twilite is Tickled Pink’s trusty friend. This perky little sprite is keeper of the fiery color crystals that Tickled Pink uses to paint the sunrise and sunset. Tickled Pink is constantly on the move, racing the sun from on side of Rainbow Land to the other. But when she and her horse Sunrise take a break, Twilite is always ready with a smile and a fresh bundle of color crystals. 

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)


If you look far off to the horizon at sunrise or sunset, you might just glimpse a wild horse galloping her heart out. Her name is Sunriser, and it’s her job to carry Tickled Pink to the far corners of Rainbow Land so she can wake the sun in the morning and put it to bed in the evening. Together, Sunrise and Tickled Pink have seen more of Rainbow Land than anybody else … maybe that’s why Sunriser is the gentlest wild horse you’ll ever meet! 

~ Description via www.RainbowBrite.com (2010)