Buddy Blue Custom Doll By Stormie Studios
Description By Bradley
Rocking and rolling, Buddy Blue is the dreamiest boy in all of Rainbowland. As the music loving guardian of the color Blue, he is ready to defend the planet and all it’s natural beauty. The only thing that could catch him off guard is his undying crush on Lala Orange.
Favorite Food: Rootbeer Floats
Best Friend: Red Butler. He’s the best drummer around!
Animal Companion: Treble the Chameleon. He changes colors to different bass beats!
Spritekick: Champ, he’s always driving me to be better!
Buddy Blue was created using custom designed fabrics by Stormie Studios (Available for sale on Spoonflower!) and a Disney Animator’s Collection Mulan doll. His hair is a bright blue yarn wig pushed off his face in messy spikes. His outfit includes boots, pants, a belt with hanging chain, collared shirt and bow tie.