I was very excited this week to receive a package from TrufflesShuffle.com! They wanted someone from the Rainbow Brite community to receive a few of the new items released in the UK and I was very happy to be their guinea pig!
The jumper was the first thing I saw when I opened the box and I was so happy to see how well made the product was. I had the jumper knitted for me by my great aunt when I was a child and it was always my favourite piece of clothing. It ended up being passed down to my sister and then my cousin, so I am not sure what happened to it in the end. This jumper is very nostalgic for me in that respect. I saw the initial images online a few weeks ago and was excited to see the similarities, and when opening the package on Tuesday this excitement only escalated.
The jumper itself is very high in quality. Brightly coloured as you’d expect from a Rainbow Brite purchase it also has a very cute embroidered pattern of both Rainbow and Twink on the front. Rainbows face and hair is a felt material as is Twink’s fur and face, yet the pony tail bow and clothing in the design is made from a shimmering thread that catches the light very impressively. The rest of the design of the jumper is knitted and is very cute.
The jumper is double lined and so makes it thick. The sizes offered by Truffle shuffle range from XS to XL. I would have preferred an XXL on first thought as I like clothing to hang loose and be comfortable and so had reservations at the XL. Yet when I tried it on I needn’t have worried as it still fit me pretty well.
At £39.99 I would definitely recommend this item to any avid Rainbow Brite fan or in fact any retro 80s cartoon fans!
The next product I received was a Rainbow Brite mug. Costing only £6.99 it was displayed in a plain black box but was well protected by a cardboard box for transport, which is a plus for anything fragile you would be expecting in the mail. The design is the same design as the mug that was released in the 80s and so I like that as it gives the mug its charm. Rainbow is featured marching along with Twink, Champ and I think Spark (though could be OJ, hard to tell) following behind with musical instruments. Rainbow Brite text above them. I will definitely be taking this mug to work next week to have my coffee in every day.
The final item was a very cute necklace with a rather large pendant charm of Rainbow and Twink riding Starlite. I LOVE this item! Normally costume jewelry like this can look cheap or breaks easily. But this one definitely doesn’t. Priced at £14.99, It was presented in a little packet with a colour motif of the Rainbow Brite logo with Truffle Shuffles logo also and protected by a little clear clip bag.
The chain is gold coloured as is the pendant. I tend to prefer silver jewelry myself and this pendant is stuck connected at two ends by its chain so you wouldn’t be able to swap out the chain if you normally do this to pendants. However, what did surprise me is how long the chain fell. I didn’t feel like the necklace was tight for once. Definitely a bonus considering you can’t take the pendant away from the charm.
Looking online Rainbow Brite is a clickable image on Truffleshuffle.com‘s main page. There are loads of things available to buy. Which is great to see as when I was originally collecting 15 years ago when I first joined the Rainbow Brite community it was very hard to find people that sold clothes here in the UK, or find online overseas retailers that would send to the UK . So go for it Rainbow Brite fans! Colour the world with love and have a Rainbow day!!