Rainbow Brite in Rainbow Land Video

This is a fan production of an audio production of “Regina Regenbogen und das regenbogenland” by Europa

In the 1980’s German fans were introduced to Rainbow Brite through comics, and audio productions of Rainbow Brite.

In 2004 fans on the forums for RainbowBrite.Net got together and decided to act out one of these tapes.

The script is a direct translation from the German production and was translated by Marco Marold of www.sunspire-records.com

This video is the completed 1st episode “Rainbow Brite in Rainbow Land” to stills taken from the episode “The Beginning of Rainbow Land” Parts 1 & 2.
While the audio production differs from the original “Beginning of Rainbow Land” show episode and some liberties were taken with the video stills. While they do not fit the scenes perfectly, this is to be expected.

We hope you enjoy this video!

Have a Rainbow Day

Episode Credits:

Rainbow Brite in Rainbow Land

Based on original German story
“Regina Regenbogen und das regenbogenland” by Europa

Translated to English by
Marco Marold

Audio Production Director
Marco Marold

Video Production Director

(in order of appearance)

Story Teller……………………………Katy Cartee Haile
Sprites, Twink, The Sun …………..Reneé Stowe
Rainbow Brite ……………………….Tonia M. Bartz
The Dark Tree……………………….Marco Marold
Murky………………………………….Mike Gurecki
Lurky, Starlite………………………..John Burkhart

Musical Score Composed by
Marco Marold

If you want to download the original audio sound track to the German production you can do so here: Regina Regenbogen und das regenbogenland

If you want to download the fan/English production please do so here: Rainbow Brite Story Tape

If you want the score, you can download that here also: Rainbow Brite Story Tape Original Score